Global questions

Where can the manuals of the Sorara products be found?

The Sorara manuals are delivered with the physical product itself and can be downloaded from the product pages under the tab “manuals”, or from this link.

Is it possible to view the products before purchasing?

This is possible in our very own showroom and outlet store. Both are located at Cockeveld 3 in Nuenen. Visits are possible from Monday until Friday from 08:30 to 17:00. A large number of our products and collections can be found here.

What are the company details of Sorara Outdoor Living?

Address: Sorara Outdoor Living B.V. Cockeveld 3 5672 AE Nuenen/ The Netherlands E: T: 040 780 43 97 vat: NL855167889B01 Chamber of Commerce: 63281597

A wrong product has been delivered, how is this resolved?

Our sincere apologies! Contact us via chat, mail or telephone and follow the further steps. We aim to ship the correct product to you within 1 business day; provided it is in stock of course!

How can I get in touch with you?

You can call us on 040 780 43 97, we can also be reached via live chat or you can send us a Facebook Messenger message. You can fill in the contact form on our website.

How is my data stored?

All your personal information is stored with us in a secure database. By doing this, no one can access your data who has nothing to do with it. We never provide or sell your data to third parties for commercial purposes.

Can I visit the showroom without buying anything?

Yes, that’s possible! Come visit our showroom. Our product specialists are happy to help you while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee!

What to do with damage or rust?

Rust occurs as a result of damage to the material. Rust spots can be treated well with Hammerhite. To prevent rust, always touch up minor damage immediately with a touch-up pen or hammerhite. Superficial scratches can be easily removed by using an auto scratch remover. Reimburse the bill for a touch-up pen or Hammerhite if necessary. Within normal proportions of course Steel feet can always rust, we can’t prevent this.

Is it possible to order/ buy on account?

Buying on account for a one-time order is unfortunately not possible. If this is required, then Customer Service must be contacted.

A defective product has been delivered, what now?

We recommend that you first view the specifications of the (digital) manuals. You can probably solve the problem yourself. If this still doesn’t work, please contact us. We will contact you as soon as possible about further processing.

How can I track my shipment?

A tracking code is available for every shipment. This will be communicated with you after purchase, you can always request it from us if necessary.

The Mirador collection

Can the Mirador canopy get installed by professionals?

We have outsourced this so that this is done safely and reliably. View the prices of the Mirador installation here.

How is the Mirador delivered?

The Mirador is delivered in 4 boxes. With the exception of the 3x6mtr, which comes in 5 boxes. Please keep in mind that an appointment is made by telephone to schedule the delivery; therefore always provide a correct telephone number so that you can be reached.

What is the expected delivery time of the Mirador?

If the product is in stock, the Mirador will be delivered within 3-7 days after ordering, depending on the country of destination and the carrier.

How long does it take to build the Mirador?

On average, it takes about 2 to 3 hours with 2 people to completely build a Mirador, depending on the variant/ dimensions.

What should be considered when mounting a Mirador?

The advice is to place the product horizontally. The Mirador can be closed on a maximum of 3 sides. If you want to attach screens later, take into account the side where the rotary handle is attached. You cannot place a screen on this side.

How is the rainwater drained?

Rainwater runs through the channels in the slats to the horizontal beams and is then drained off via the 4 legs. At the bottom of all 4 legs [above the floor plates] are drainage holes to gradually drain the water (above the ground).

To what extent is the Mirador resistant to the influence of wind?

Wind force 8 can be used as the maximum standard, provided the slats are tilted open so that the wind cannot beat under them. In addition, it is extremely important that the Mirador is fully mounted correctly, and that it is preferably anchored to the ground on all 4 posts, preferably with footings.

What is the maximum expected snow load to be carried by the Mirador?

The maximum snow load that can be carried is 25 kg per slat. Urgent advice is to keep the slats open at all times, so that the snow does not accumulate on the slats. The Mirador has been tested for a maximum snow load of 25 kg per slat and 50 kg per square meter.

What are the differences between the Classic and Deluxe?

The main difference is the difference in material, this also largely explains the price difference. Both variants are of high quality and design. The Classic variants have an aluminum frame, with steel slats. The Deluxe variants consist entirely of high-quality aluminum and are therefore easier to maintain by comparison. As a result, the Classic and Basic variants have a 2-year warranty, while the Deluxe variants have a full 5-year warranty. The Deluxe variants are suitable for expansion to LED lighting.

What are the differences between the Basic and Classic?

Both variants are of high quality and design and consist of the same materials. The Basic variants have legs with a thickness of 88 mm, while the Classic variants have legs with a thickness of 111 mm. The Classic variant is therefore even more sturdy and stable than the Basic variant. The Basic variants are 2.40m high, while the Classic variants are 2.50m high.

Parasols and materials

What materials does the canvas/ cloth consist of?

All cloths used in our Sorara products are made of colored high-quality polyester. Because recycled materials are used with our products, production is done in a less environmentally harmful way.

How waterproof is the parasol canvas/ cloth?

The fabric is specially designed for parasols and therefore not designed to be waterproof. Even so, parasols have a reasonable water resistance, but in heavy rain there is always a possibility of breakthrough or leakage. We therefore do not communicate that our parasols are waterproof.

Do I need a cover for my Sorara products?

Discoloration Cloths always discolor under the influence of UV radiation, which is unavoidable, where more UV light comes, the discoloration can go faster than in places that catch less light. We therefore recommend using a cover to prevent streaks from appearing in the parasol. The cover catches the UV light when the parasol is closed. Dark cloths discolour faster than light cloths, so when a customer suffers from discolouration, we can best advise a light cloth All cloths discolour after hours of sunshine, we can be honest about this towards the customers.

How to clean the canvas/ cloth?

If the cloth is slightly soiled, it can be cleaned carefully with washing-up liquid or green soap. If desired, the cloth can also be put in the washing machine at a low temperature of 20 degrees.

What are the advantages of our parasols?

Solid mechanics Sturdy material with a decent thickness, resulting in a longer lifespan. An acceptable color fastness. Easy to set up and store in winter. Matching covers are available.

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